Our Children Are The Guarantors
Defending Zionism from its detractors. Anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism. Let the other side apologize for a change.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Our Children Are The Guarantors
Defending Zionism from its detractors. Anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism. Let the other side apologize for a change.
Conventional opinion has it that one is entirely justified in applying violence to anyone who breaks into his house in order to occupy it. The libel of portraying Zionism as a colonial settler movement is therefore a key instrument in making the murder of Jewish men, women and children (G-d forbid) acceptable in our age. The Land of Israel entire is ours by right, and anyone who says Jews should not be living on it as sovereigns and inhabiting it without restriction is our enemy. To the Islamonazis and their supporters on the Western Left no quarter must be given.
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- The Cairo Market Scene, Updated Edition
- Tip: Haveil Havalim #113
- Here’s to This Object of Jealousy
- Iraq: What I Really Think
- The Wolf Age
- You Make Us So
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- Here’s to This Object of Jealousy
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- The Meaning of “Light unto the Nations”
- On Standing With Israel
- The Replacement Theology of Marxism
- Cultural Reframing, A Vital Strategy
- The Lawlessness That Masquerades As Law
- The Wolf Age
- The Tribes
- What Our PR Problem Really Is
- The Postmodern Wedge
- How this is a World War
- Somalia the Model
- Yes, They Exist. No, They Aren’t The Solution
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Tomorrow Never Dies
For American Jews
Because Jew-hatred, under the form of anti-Zionism, has now passed to the Left. The American Left isn’t deserving of a single Jewish vote.
J-Blog Nexus
Together In This War
Note: no new post is written or posted, nor any old post updated, on the Jewish Sabbath (evening of Friday to evening of Saturday, according to the civil reckoning). My computer is switched off during all of the Sabbath. A post having the day “Saturday” on its heading is from Motza’ei Shabbat, the evening of Saturday, after the Sabbath has gone out. “If I keep the Sabbath, G-d will keep me”.
Lets not forget that before the ANC took over SA was a prosperous first world country. Its now one of the most impoverished crime ridden countries in the world. Did you know the whites may regain power as most blacks in SA are infected with AIDS?
There is actually is a certain degree of similarity, in both countries foreigners started wars they lost and then complained they had their non-existant homelands stolen.
There's similarity, but there's a crucial difference: the present state of South Africa is such because of mismanagement; to the ANC's credit, they never had genocide of the whites in their charter, nor (as the 1995 quote shows) took opportunity of their rise to power in order to settle their old scores. We all know what would happen to the Jews of Israel were Hamas to achieve their goals, G-d forbid.
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